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Erma - Servicing the interest on the national debt has taken money that could have been used for North Carolina - when is Trump or Harris going to address the national debt and what to do about it? Read More
Publication Date: 10/09/2024
Erma - Obama - Biden - Harris and the Dems - are responsible for Iran being in a position to start World War III Read More
Publication Date: 10/09/2024
Erma - Are you kidding me? Drba just bought an electric boat?? And yet the county allows them to run the airport into the ground. They don't show any intelligence when it comes to spending. Look at the horrible things they... Read More
Publication Date: 10/02/2024
Erma - 15,000 killers - 20,000 sexual assault convicts - 60,000 robbers among illegal immigrants are now at large in this country - how many are in cape may county? - this is on Biden and Harris! Read More
Publication Date: 10/02/2024
Erma - There are estimated to be 393 million guns in the USA - do you really think that this is a deterrent to China - most of them are pea shooters - China will land on the shores of Cape May with more soldiers and rapid fire guns... Read More
Publication Date: 10/02/2024
Erma - Where is the Cape May county historical society?? Why are these people allowing for the destruction of the Cape May county airport? Will they be happy when all of the history of lower Township and Cape May county is destroyed... Read More
Publication Date: 10/02/2024
Erma - Why does Cape Tech not offer Electrical and Plumbing to all their students? Hum… good question? It looks as if they may be in VIOLATION of Title 9. They do not offer these programs to High School students, they do offer it to... Read More
Publication Date: 10/02/2024
Erma - Take back the Cape May airport from the DRBA! The county ran it for years! The drba is running it into the ground! Destroying history and putting up buildings that look like modern McDonald's!! How can any of the... Read More
Moderator's Note: It seems that has already happened.
Publication Date: 9/25/2024
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