Our school taxes keep going up and our district of less than 600

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Wildwood - Our school taxes keep going up and our district of less than 600 kids have 6 or more administrators who make $90,000 and more, Meanwhile my child does not receive art, music and world language classes like other school districts offer. I know I can move, but I live here. I'm hoping to send my child to a choice school district next year.

Moderator's Note: 
According to public records at the DataUniverse of Asbury Park Press, as of 2014, the Wildwood City school district had six employees with salaries ranging from $90,000 to $129,900. Meanwhile, in adjacent school districts ... North Wildwood shows nine employees ranging from $90,000 to $136,482; Wildwood Crest shows two employees earning $90,000 and $100,403, respectively. Together, that's 17 people earning a total of $1,747,728 to support three school districts on this five-mile island. Consolidation, anyone? Here is a link to the search portal for that data: http://goo.gl/H5Nfki.
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