I read the Herald on a daily basis as well as participate in num

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Villas - I read the Herald on a daily basis as well as participate in numerous discussions. But over the past month or two, I noticed the articles/news posts have decreased. Now, I could be wrong, but that is my perception. While only being a part-time resident, I depend on the Herald, especially since the travesty of channel 40, what a disgrace and that's another topic in itself.

Moderator's Note: 
It appears to be a perception only. During the past 30 days we published 195 news articles. Counts for the commensurate preceding six periods were 207, 171, 183, 172, 206, 181 respectively. So, our count of news articles in recent months appears to be keeping pace. Nonetheless, we appreciate your concern and your loyal readership. If you should become aware of news we haven’t covered, please submit your news tip to https://goo.gl/wWTbCS.
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