In response to the Wildwood Spouter about Wildwood having millio

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Wildwood - In response to the Wildwood Spouter about Wildwood having million dollar properties and not Looking like a ghetto. First do you walk around the entire small city of Wildwood ? Yes there are million dollar homes , million dollar lots multi million dollar hotel/motels yes because it is an ocean side resort . Like Atlantic City and Asbury Park Wildwood too has the same problems trashed areas poor law enforcement and no code enforcement. North Wildwood ,the Crest they enforce the rules and force cleanups of trashed properties .

Moderator's Note: 
I would like to see people in all of our towns picking up trash every time they go out for a walk. Take a little trash bag and see if others begin to do the same .It may become contagious or it may not ,but all of us can do our part .