Looks like the City of Wildwood has sold 27 acres of bayfront pr

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Wildwood - Looks like the City of Wildwood has sold 27 acres of bayfront property to a developer for $1 million although there were interested parties that wanted the sale to go to bid. I guess they did not need the money, or could it be that they needed it so bad for salaries, they had to make a deal? I still believe Wildwood is in deep trouble financially, and without givebacks and layoffs, we will wind up like AC. So don't be surprised if we do, there are only so many rabbits in the hat.

Moderator's Note: 
According to a Herald article April 13, "Sean Scarborough of Scarborough Properties did not attend the April 12 meeting (Wildwood Commissioners' meeting) as initially proposed by Commissioner Byron. Byron read a letter from Scarborough regarding the back bay project, dated April 10. 'Today, I received a phone call from Mayor Troiano who politely explained that the deal with the current party mentioned in the paper is far along and being documented at this time and that there is a commitment to follow through on the deal.' Scarborough also wrote, 'Perhaps we will have an opportunity to pursue something in the future should the current concept not materialize.' Byron wished the public to know why Scarborough did not attend and made the letter public record."
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