I'm so glad the Herald has a place for bored, miserable people t

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Wildwood - I'm so glad the Herald has a place for bored, miserable people to vent their complaints. I guess their families don't want to hear them anymore so they turn to Spout Off. How about a section of Spout Off where people can post about positive things? I see a lot of complaints about dogs relieving themselves on someone's lawn, especially in the uppity, elitist Crest. They say, "let them go on YOUR lawn!" This is a vacation town and people are staying in motels and don't have "their own lawn!" As long as they pick up, what's the problem? Your precious grass will survive. Lighten up Crabbys!

Moderator's Note: 
Welcome, there is always room for one more "crabby" and you win the prize today. Anytime you want to post something positive we are always glad to print it.
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