The developer is so right that Wildwood is held back by being st

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Wildwood - The developer is so right that Wildwood is held back by being stuck in the past and is afraid of change. Society is rapidly evolving and corporations are updating their values and ideas to match a modern society that no longer wants to be tied to toxic mentalities of the past. No one alive today remembers the Doo Wop era and it represents a lie of a supposed golden era, just as any person under the age of 90 no longer believes the myths and hypocrisy of the nation's founding principles. To stay relevant Wildwood needs to reflect the evolving attitudes and preferences of today's youth.

Moderator's Note: 
Well, this is interesting to say the least, but I will let the trusty spouters answer the many different ideas so definitively offered as 'truth.' Don't let me down...
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