Trump says he is living in Nazi Germany proclaiming that U.S.

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Wildwood Crest - Trump says he is living in Nazi Germany proclaiming that U.S. intelligence agencies leaked classified information presented to him by the heads of four intel agencies. As the story moves on, in fact, it is now confirmed that FBI Director James Comey personally briefed Trump about the contents of a two-page synopsis addendum indicating that Trump has been compromised by Russian spies reporting to Putin and the Kremlin. Another part of this story is now the media push-back from Kellyanne Conway, who has been described as a "propaganda minister" by none other than Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame.

Moderator's Note: 
Regarding Kellyanne Conway, a Breitbart headline Jan. 11 confirms "Carl Bernstein Calls Trump Aide Kellyanne Conway a ‘Propaganda Minister’."
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