Every day I enjoy reading the Herald's Editor's Picks that I rec

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Wildwood Crest - Every day I enjoy reading the Herald's Editor's Picks that I receive online. However, I have noticed a consistent bias in the Trump/Biden Spouts you print each day. Invariably there are more pro-Trump spouts than pro-Biden spouts. I believe your policy should be to have an equal number of these each day. Your job should be to present both sides equally, not to be a propaganda source for one side or the other.

Moderator's Note: 
Spout off is a reflection of the users of this forum and therefore we print what we receive within the guidelines of the forum. We are delighted to know that you enjoy the Editors Picks. if you are reading the whole range of spouts you may find that each side has a pretty heavy voice. Thanks for being a Herald reader.
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