I'm concerned Radical extremists will begin to radicalize the lo

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West Wildwood - I'm concerned Radical extremists will begin to radicalize the local impressionable squirell population to facilitate attacks on our infrastructure. Recently it was reported one or more of this radical furry extremists took down the power grid in Wildwood. How much longer until we start to see an increase in undocumented squirells crossing the southern boarder? I implore the Biden administration to "build that wall" and to put some of those little pointy things on top that keep the pigeons off the lights on top to keep them out and us safe!

Moderator's Note: 
Sad to say, our car killed one of the "impressionable squirrel" population recently and I think it was on its way to sabotage another electrical station or perhaps only to invade an unsuspecting homeowner's attic to work mischief there. I'm committing to "see something, say something." In these times one can't be too careful.
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