I have no complaints at this time, but I would like to let every

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West Wildwood - I have no complaints at this time, but I would like to let everyone know that West Wildwood has some of the best young teens in the Wildwoods. I fell in my yard five weeks ago breaking my right shoulder. I live on Avenue J and it was a Saturday night and no one was home. I couldn’t yell loud enough for across the street. I laid there on the lawn until 6 young teenagers came by my lot. I yelled for help they came over and instantly went into action. They called 911. They took my dog in house, they cleaned my leg, got ice. Angels. I am looking for these kids. 5 J . Please stop by Liz McCann.

Moderator's Note: 
We love happy spouts ,they make this job much better .Thanks for yours!.
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