Here's some "food for thought" for anyone lambasting summer home

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West Wildwood / Upper Darby - Here's some "food for thought" for anyone lambasting summer homeowner residents for wanting to have a vote and a say in political matters regarding West Wildwood, in a number of other states in this country, owning a second home does not preclude nor prohibit someone from not being able to vote in local elections. Since property and by extension, property taxes are being paid and contributed to such a municipality, a vote in local elections is granted for such. Votes for federal elections of course and sensibly so, are restricted to one's primary residence. So this can be changed.

Moderator's Note: 
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, three states allow nonresident voting in municipal or town elections (Connecticut, Delaware, and New Mexico), and 10 states allow nonresident voting in certain special district elections (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon, Tennessee, and Wyoming). New Mexico and Delaware have provisions allowing nonresidents to vote in special district elections in addition to municipal elections.
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