I'm tired of the Herald portraying Willow Creek Winery as a vict

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West Cape May - I'm tired of the Herald portraying Willow Creek Winery as a victim of the West Cape May government. We are victims of Willow Creek Winery! The owners of Willow Creek Winery took our county tax dollars in exchange for preserving their land. Then they built two large buildings on land we taxpayers paid them to preserve. The winery ruined the quality of life along Stevens Street. It ruined the wildlife habitat value of the property.

Moderator's Note: 
The Herald presented the facts regarding Willow Creek Winery and West Cape May government; a litigation settlement was reached between Willow Creek Winery and West Cape May government in which West Cape May government agreed to pay Willow Creek Winery's owner $550,000 without any admission of fault or liability. As to your point regarding land preservation, according to the county Division of Open Space, Willow Creek Winery received county open space funds under Farmland Preservation. Wineries are allowed under Farmland Preservation. Regulations state the property cannot be developed to the fullest extent of the zoning. The property already had the owner's home on it, then the winery was built.
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