The Farmland Preservation Program has definitely been abused.
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West Cape May - The Farmland Preservation Program has definitely been abused. Once you accept county tax dollars to preserve your land, you shouldn't be able to build anything on it. How can you say the land is preserved if you can still construct buildings on it? The winery in West Cape May is the best example of this abuse. That one building was constructed so far deep into the fields that it ruined the aesthetic beauty of the surrounding land. It scared away the eagles. They should never have been allowed to build it on preserved land.
Moderator's Note:
As stated Sept. 14, 2016, according to the county Division of Open Space, Willow Creek Winery received county Open Space funds under Farmland Preservation. Wineries are allowed under Farmland Preservation. Regulations state the property cannot be developed to the fullest extent of the zoning. The property already had the owner's home on it, then the winery was built.
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