First time spouter here, I need to ask some people here a questi

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Villas - First time spouter here, I need to ask some people here a question, I hear a lot of people saying how "great" the economy is, and peoples 401K is booming and stocks are up, blah, blah, blah. Ok, so what do you think it's like for a family like mine, a family of 4, I make $900.00 a week, $3600.00 Month gross. Now, pre Covid rent was $1300, now $1650.00. This is just the start. I have no IRA, I can't afford one! Car Payment $575.00 and I still haven't touched food, electric and other bills. I guess if your loaded, a little extra money out isn't big, To me, it's HUGE. Biden isn't helping us!

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