It's good to know what is going on with the bay front beaches.

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Town Bank - It's good to know what is going on with the bay front beaches. Is it just me, or does anyone else think how cleverly sneaky L.T. Council is having this to be voted on in February when so many of Lower Township residents are away for vacations? I'm wondering is it legal for these ramps to be built into the dunes widening the already established paths? I read where one person expressed concern about getting poison ivy and stuck by stickers! Oh, please! The beauty and attraction to the bay is it's quaintness and natural, unimpeded beauty. Feb. 1 is the date for a vote; be sure to go!

Moderator's Note: 
A presentation of the proposed plan to create improved beach access points to Delaware Bay beaches is planned for council's meeting Feb. 1; there will be no vote at that meeting. If, by the Feb. 17 meeting there are no more questions from the public, a vote will be taken on the plan by Hatch Mott MacDonald.
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