Our two re-elected councilwomen ran unopposed and only got just

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Stone Harbor - Our two re-elected councilwomen ran unopposed and only got just over 250 votes. There are 674 registered voters in Stone Harbor's two districts, which means over 350 don't want them in office. That's because they've already been in office the last three years and have done nothing. The library is a fiasco and they run the committee, they spent over $200,000 on a parking lot where the land is worth over $3,000,000, they have let dredging stall and now face a $5,000,000 project, they voted to eliminate Veterans Day as a paid holiday and they wanted to spend $700,000 on a memorial.

Moderator's Note: 
Compared to the other municipalities in Cape May County, Stone Harbor had a relatively average voter turnout; about 40 percent for both districts. To assume that those who chose not to vote, did so because they don't want these two councilwomen in office could seem presumptuous and may not necessarily be true for all.
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