Spout Off Search

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The search found 1981 results in 0.047 seconds.

Search results

    Moderator's Note: 
    Please be specific in your criticisms. It is impossible for us to address generalities.
    Print Publication Date: 
    Moderator's Note: 
    This change was explained in an article, "Spout Off - The Same, But Different." You can find this article by searching that title on the Herald website. Spout Off submissions are still anonymous - same as before. To comment directly to a spout off (a new capability), you will need to create a user account which is authenticated by a connection to a Facebook account. So, you only need to "do the new thing," if you want to "do the new thing."
    Print Publication Date: 
    Moderator's Note: 
    To find/read the referenced Spout Off, use the Search Spout Off box to search "Kevin Johnson"
    Print Publication Date: 
    Moderator's Note: 
    Different people see the same thing through different eyes. Please continue to take us to task.
