While we've had our share of tragedy in Sea Isle, we are flirtin

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Sea Isle City - While we've had our share of tragedy in Sea Isle, we are flirting with catastrophe. The crush of traffic over Memorial Day Weekend was exacerbated by the T.I. Bridge closure. It took me 30 minutes to get off the island Sunday afternoon, May 26. I hate to think what might have happened if a fire had occurred then. Let's get the police directing traffic in the center of town and stop saying that construction crews are working extra shifts to complete the bridge. That simply is not happening.

Moderator's Note: 
According to a release issued by the Cape May County Engineer's Office April 8: "Despite adding additional manpower and work shifts (at times 24 hours per day of construction activity), several construction challenges including those associated with demolition, underwater salvage operations, and subsurface geotechnical complications have adversely affected the bridge’s completion schedule."
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