The Moderator refused to print an in-depth Spout regarding the
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Sea Isle City - The Moderator refused to print an in-depth Spout regarding the coming Oligarchy. Not sure why. All of Trumps closest advisors are billionaires who have little regard for the average American family. Lutnick and Bessant especially. One of them recently said that American seniors can probably “miss a Social Security check or two”. Are you kidding me! 77%of American seniors rely on SS for basic living expenses! The Trump administration is an oligarchy in the making where the rich live on the mountain and the serfs work the fields. Wake up America before it’s too late.
Moderator's Note:
Sometimes it is a matter of too many spouts in one day from the same person if that is the case do not expect that they will all be printed. Sometimes it is other things . We are eager for people to express civil discussions but it is the moderators choice and the reason might not be obvious to the writer.
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