Could the Herald give information on when we will see some progr

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Sea Isle City - Could the Herald give information on when we will see some progress on Sea Isle Blvd.? Also are there any elected officials trying to do anything about safety southbound and northbound of the Parkway at Sea Isle? Try going southbound onto the Parkway from Sea Isle Blvd. To accomplish this, you must first go north.

Moderator's Note: 
Work on the boulevard should resume after Labor Day Weekend, according to County Engineer Dale Foster Aug. 9. Work will begin on the north side embankment. Once that side is ready for traffic, work will begin elevating the south side roadway. South Jersey Gas will install a 12-inch main on the boulevard from approximately mid-October until late November. After that is completed, work on the south side should begin, Foster said. As to the Parkway question, no official has mentioned it.
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