I hope the residents of Portland, Oregon enjoyed shopping and st

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Rio Grande - I hope the residents of Portland, Oregon enjoyed shopping and stealing at Walmart. This is what happens when you support soft on crime and defunding the police. Kudos to the CEO who will close the last 2 remaining stores in Portland on Friday. It’s a shame that over 600 employees will either get laid off or have to be relocated because of your nonsense.

Moderator's Note: 
Walmart said, "We consider many factors, including current and projected financial performance, location population, customer needs and the proximity of other nearby stores when making these difficult decisions..." You may be reading between the lines because of all the reported shoplifting arrests in recent months. Police spokesman said on KPTV, "For a long time, we kind of let everybody get away with it. We just didn't have the resources to actually touch on it." Do people think shoplifting is not stealing?
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