Trump's travel ban may not withstand legal challenges.

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Ocean City - Trump's travel ban may not withstand legal challenges. Depending on your point of view, that may or may not be good. Regardless of philosophical leanings, the most recent injunction issued by a federal judge is a dangerous precedent. Checks and balances exist for a reason, but it is not within the purview of a judge to stay any executive action of this type. Reasonable legal challenges should take their course, but judges rule on matters of law, not public safety (real or perceived) and this ruling is obviously politically/philosophically driven. Have a hearing now, not March 21.

Moderator's Note: 
A Breitbart article March 12 states, "A second federal judge—this one in Wisconsin—on Friday blocked President Donald Trump’s new executive order (EO) on immigration travel, while the federal judge who blocked the first EO is reserving judgment on the revised EO."
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