Criminal Illegal Aliens Arrests for 2023 by I.C.E.

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Ocean City - Criminal Illegal Aliens Arrests for 2023 by I.C.E. are as follows 1) 170.5 thousand arrests, up 20%. 2) 73.8thousand arrested had average 4 felonies each. 3) 1,713 homicide charges/convictions. 4) 33.2 thousand assault charges. 5) 4,390 sexual assault charges. 6) 1,600 kidnappings. 7) 10,061 robberies. 8) 7,520 weapons offences. 9)3,400 gang members including MS-13. 10) 24,000 Chinese communists, mostly young men between 19-25 apprehended at border. 11) 300 people on the terrorist watch list caught. Wow, just the kind of fine upstanding people that any country would love to take in. Thanks Biden.

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