The comments on Spout Off are getting out of hand.

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Ocean City - The comments on Spout Off are getting out of hand. I was under the impression that Spout Off was a forum for people to address an issue that concerned or interested them. Now with the comments it has degenerated into an online chat room where people debate their points of view without regard for courtesy or respect for other people's points of view. It has become a place where dueling personalities justify their intractable positions ad nauseam. It is even worse than the old "thumbs up/down" feature.

Moderator's Note: 
Again, there's a provision in place to flag inappropriate comments. If you read a comment that you find offensive and/or violates our comment standards, you may flag that comment, so that necessary action may be taken by our Spout Off editor. To flag a comment, hover over a comment, and click the flag that appears in the top right corner of that comment.
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