My family and I have been vacationing in North Wildwood since th

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North Wildwood - My family and I have been vacationing in North Wildwood since the 50's. During this time there has been an increasing amount of condominiums, motel condominiums, and rooming homes. The Wildwoods is a summer resort, why do we have two hundred families, over 20,000 people living on the 5 mile Island needing food and shelter. I can recall that there was less of drugs, crime and vandalism in the 60's. Why are there alcohol abuse, drugs, increase in crime and vandalism. What does the future hold for our year round patrons, and our returning vacationers?

Moderator's Note: 
Not sure what your "20,000 people" references. According to the County Planning Dept, year-round population for the four Wildwoods municipalities totaled 13,066 in 2013. That figure is up from 1950 (10,642) and 1960 (11,506), but down from 2005 (15,293). The more recent surge in condominium construction/conversion in the Wildwoods has occurred during a period of declining year-round population.
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