Another case of a self-inflected wound at tourism in New Jersey.

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North Wildwood - Another case of a self-inflected wound at tourism in New Jersey. No wonder so many would rather vacation in Aruba, Maryland or the Outer-Banks. A surfer in Belmar has been arrested for not displaying a local beach badge on his wetsuit. The video circulating the internet and news agencies shows police officers handcuffing the surfer before things escalate and they take him to the ground. Badges in Belmar cost $12/day and now the California Surfer has been charged with disorderly conduct resisting arrest and obstruction of justice. So much for "Just another day at the Jersey beach" memes.

Moderator's Note: 
"A surfer thrown to the ground and taken into custody by Belmar cops Tuesday (Aug. 20) was arrested because he didn’t cooperate with police — and not because he didn’t show his beach badge, the borough’s police chief said," according to an Aug. 23 article.
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