I'm a 40 year old man and I don't give a care about "Tay, Tay" a

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North Cape May - I'm a 40 year old man and I don't give a care about "Tay, Tay" and the Superbowl! America has been so brainwashed about Professional Sports and the Super stars. My neighbor bought every Phila Eagles Jersey since their super bowl win. What does he have now? A bunch of LOSER shirts. $10,000 to go to the Superbowl for a 3 hour game, ARE YOU NUTS? I gave up on Sports when the Baseball strike happened and the Icing on the cake was the kneeling of the National Anthem. I'd rather watch Hindu Snail racing than American sports now. As far as Taylor Swift goes, She's raking in every dollar from YOU!

Moderator's Note: 
I love the image of anyone watching a snail race of any kind. This is my best belly laugh of the day! Thanks.
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