You know, just sitting and thinking about what I, have seen in m

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Middle Township - You know, just sitting and thinking about what I, have seen in my life, let see! The Real Allman Brothers with, Duane Allman, on lead slide guitar, The Real Lynard Synard, at Phila Spectrum, and JFK, The real Journey, same place, real, Charlie Danial Band, real ZZTop, Real Bob Seaver, the realJ Geils Band, the real Robbin Tower, the real Jethro Tull, the real Genesis Vet stadium, and Spectrum, JFK and Met Life Stadium, the real Eagles, spectrum, the real Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, the real Rolling Stones at JFK, the real, Aerosmith, and the greatest band of all time, the real Led Zepplin

Moderator's Note: 
Sounds like a real music Hall of Fame. It would be interesting to know how many young people recognize all of those names.
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