The NY Times just reported that the Democratic powers to be has

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Middle Township - The NY Times just reported that the Democratic powers to be has just frozen 90 million dollars of campaign money, if Biden won’t drop out! WHO IS RUNNING THE PRESIDENCY? NOT JOE! I told you so! But, you don’t believe, like I said can’t fix stupid! But, this paper censors this fact information because they don’t believe in freedom of speech, the US Constitution, and freedom of democracy of a Republic nation, translation, for all informed people, US citizens make up their own minds and beliefs. Instead we are censored like a communist country, 3rd world order, we are a disgrace to its founders.

Moderator's Note: 
Dear Middle Township, note the Spout Off rules limit spouts but you continue to submit three to four in a row almost every day. I have generally taken the best or more interesting or even the most literate of your submissions. If that is censorship I confess to being a sensor.
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