More and more these days we here issues across the USA.

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Middle Township - More and more these days we here issues across the USA. Apparently the State of North Dakota, wants to round up the wild mustangs and sell them off or even exterminate them, just another example of our government, over extending our National Parks, have we no shame! Do we have to make all animals extinct, that do not fit our ideas, of what this country should be! It’s a sad shameful day when we no longer have the humanity to save animals that we say do not belong here. Is this the best we can be.

Moderator's Note: 
The wild horses have some powerful allies. The governor himself wants to see them stay, as do most Americans who have responded for the comment phase of the decision-making process. The park service says they are not "native" and are disruptive to the environment of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
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