As the world is watching and waiting for fallout, there are now
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Marmora - As the world is watching and waiting for fallout, there are now five states that have filed lawsuits against Trump's new revised immigration order - Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, New York and Massachusetts. Trump is now learning that constitutional legality is much more involved than just 140 character tweets about a "so-called judge" and "see you in court."
Moderator's Note:
An Associated Press article March 10 states, "Some of the states that helped derail President Trump's first travel ban are mounting efforts to block his second one, saying that while the new order applies to fewer people, it's infected with the same legal problems. Hawaii on Wednesday launched the first lawsuit over the revised order after amending an earlier complaint filed against the old ban. Washington, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Minnesota plan [to] do the same Monday in federal court in Seattle, where a judge issued an order last month halting the first travel ban."
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