I'm a local Truck driver for a National company.

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Erma - I'm a local Truck driver for a National company. What you are going to hear is not a scare tactic but truth! Believe it or not, I don't care but if Biden is elected, you "may see", a six pack of Beer at $30.00, a dozen of eggs, $5 to $6, milk at $9.00 a gallon, bread at $6 to $9 a loaf and you won't be able to afford Steak, Ribs or Chicken it'll be Insane. Biden and Harris want to do away with "ALL" fossil fuels/Diesel so how the heck do you think your food get's to the store? I deliver to the Acme, Shoprite and some other stores. Vote Biden, you put me out of a job! Thank you for reading.

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