I live in Dennisville.

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Dennisville - I live in Dennisville. Last time I checked we were still part of Cape May County. We have schools, stores, fire departments and even ice cream shops, believe it or not. I don't understand why our school functions and town events are rarely, if at all, mentioned in the Herald. I understand that we aren't as exciting considering our streets don't flood and we don't have four governing bodies in a seven-mile-stretch island, but I feel we still warrant some type of recognition. Can you please load up a brave reporter with a GPS and tick spray, and maybe send them up here occasionally?

Moderator's Note: 
Again, we currently cover Dennis Township Committee meetings. We welcome story ideas and news tips. If there are topics going on in your town you think we should cover, please email your suggestions to newswatch@cmcherald.com.
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