A great spout on Dec.

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Dennis Township - A great spout on Dec. 21 from Middle Township about the economic benefits for a municipality when it builds and promotes a bike path. Tourism numbers go up and this translates to many dollars spent at campgrounds, antique shops, supermarkets, motels, etc. Why then, is Dennis Township the only municipality in Cape May County that does not have a bike path? Is this really responsible and progressive thinking by elected officials at township hall? Why is it always the same, old "business as usual," do nothing mentality? Dennis Township residents and businesses surely deserve better.

Moderator's Note: 
According to a Herald article Dec. 22, "On the regular agenda, a resolution authorized professional engineering services to provide information as requested by Atlantic City Electric for the company to consider the township’s request to use a portion of their right-of-way for Phase One of a county bike way through Dennis." You may access the article here: https://goo.gl/1SiHwU.
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