Has anyone heard any more about a plan in place for getting city

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Del Haven - Has anyone heard any more about a plan in place for getting city water in Del Haven? Our water is horrible. It smells and is rusty.

Moderator's Note: 
Residents in Del Haven have complained for years about the quality of well water in the area and have repeatedly asked the township to run water mains to the area. In 2016, NJ American Water, a major supplier of water to homes in Middle Township, was asked by Township Committee to present a proposal. That process began with a survey of property owners to gauge the level of interest. A survey of 800 homes in Del Haven and additional properties along 13 Curves near Green Creek showed significant interest. The project did not proceed because the estimated cost of laying pipe from American Water's nearest main in Whitesboro to Del Haven was too high. Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority (LTMUA) was engaged in planning a project to bring water to East Villas at the same time. In May 2016, Tim Donohue announced his support for a potential project to piggyback on the Lower Township project. That project's northern section is much closer to Del Haven. Meetings were held and the concept was to be brought before the LTMUA Board. The East Villas project is moving ahead, but there is no word at this point if an agreement can be worked out to include Del Haven. The administrator working on it for Middle Township was Connie Mahon. She has since left to go to Wildwood Crest. No permanent administrator has yet been hired in Middle.
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