My Aunt and Uncle live in Hendersonville, N.C., South of Ashevil

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Court House - My Aunt and Uncle live in Hendersonville, N.C., South of Asheville. They lost their Home, Barn, 2 buildings for farm equiptment, a backhoe, a tractor, 2 cars, a pickup truck, Horse trailer, 2 horses, 2 Dogs, many fowl and a few Goats just to name the start. NO FEMA there, NO Red Cross, NO Biden, NO Harris, Not even the News. There was a Florida Representitve who got in around all the debri, A REPUBLICAN! He promised Generators and got my family some food and bottled water. NOT 1 Democrat has even showed their faces, If this was NYC, AOC would be jumping up and down. Remember this voting!

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