If you work for law enforcement or any government agency in Cape

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Court House - If you work for law enforcement or any government agency in Cape May County, and you post a spout suggesting change, or make a negative comment that is true concerning your work place or its policies, the director can subpoena the Herald for the Spout Off submission, name of the submitter, time of submission and internet address, such that the employee might face disciplinary action? If true, it seems to me this infringes on a citizen’s right of free speech and open, transparent government.

Moderator's Note: 
Spout Off is opinion; we apply no judgment regarding the veracity of any submission. Free speech is a right; proper exercise of that right is a responsibility. We have no access to individual identification for anonymous submissions posted via the web portal. However, as with any internet-based activity, investigative pursuit of digital records could potentially render some of the information you reference. Our privacy policy discusses the scope of our cooperation with government and law enforcement officials (www.capemaycountyherald.com/privacy-policy). Such digital records may be avoided with submissions by mail or delivered to our office (e.g., left in the mail box at the front door). If you have substantive information regarding wrongful behavior, report it to law enforcement at the appropriate level. If unsure where to make your report, you may file a report with the NJ Commission of Investigation - an independent fact-finding agency whose mission includes exposing public corruption and waste: www.state.nj.us/sci/tipsmall.shtm.
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