Did ya see, Gas is going up, Eggs are going up, Milk is up, My c

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Court House - Did ya see, Gas is going up, Eggs are going up, Milk is up, My car Insurance just went up, 10% for NOTHING, Biden who? Chicken is back up, meats are back up, Ammunition has skyrocketed, Diesel heading back up, Biden did what? Health care premiums went up, deductibles went up, Electric went up, (bet ya didn't see that, did ya) I did. Joe Biden huh... Printer paper is up, Ink is up, my kids clothes went up, (a lot) this school year, My husbands beer went up, 12% Our workman's comp went up 15%, we paid this Communist state for the first time in 20 years, Thanks to Murphy. Biden did what????

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