Lower Township taxpayers who do not have sewer and water service

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Cold Spring - Lower Township taxpayers who do not have sewer and water services better wake up. You will be subsidizing those that have services if the MUA is dissolved. The township is not going to be able to keep cost separate and they are not going to give sewer and water to the entire township. As for moving and selling the Sea Shore Road property, they better let sleeping dogs lie. That ground has had trucks leaking oil and stuff since the 40's.

Moderator's Note: 
According to Lower Township Manager Michael Voll, taxpayers will not have to subsidize those that have services if the MUA is dissolved. "This will save the township $1 million. It will stabilize rates for more years. It will help taxpayers by consolidating equipment and providing better public services. The governor endorses it. This is something that is long overdue."
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