Why is it, If I don't agree with the view point of Democrat/Libe

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Cape May - Why is it, If I don't agree with the view point of Democrat/Liberal, I'm an "Extremist"? As I watch the TV, no matter what channel, I constantly hear the word "Extremist".
Because my values are Conservitive, I don't believe in abortion after 8 weeks, I'm an "Extremist"! Because I believe in a secure America, I'm an "Extremist"! Because I believe in God and religious values, I'm an "Extremist"! Because I'm a gun owner, I'm an "Extremist"! Because I don't believe that (Man) is creating climate change, I'm an "Extremist"! Well, I believe my $14,000 a year taxes are EXTREME also but I pay them!

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