Let me mention some stats that a spouter from Cape May and the D
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Cape May - Let me mention some stats that a spouter from Cape May and the Democrats never mention; black youth 18 to 26 out of the workforce is at an all-time high at 57.3 percent. There were 83,813,000 Americans out of the workforce in 2009. That number is now 95,055,000. There are 12.4 million more people on welfare today than the day Obama took office. The middle class has only gained pennies under Obama. Our military is falling apart. Terror attacks across the U.S. is a common occurrence. Clinton supporters are costing taxpayers millions.
Moderator's Note:
Regarding black youth, according to a CNN article Sept. 25, "The figure is likely extrapolated from the employment-population ratio, which shows that 42.7% of blacks ages 16 to 24 had a job in July. But that doesn't mean that the rest -- or 57.3% -- were unemployed." We were unable to confirm the number of Americans out of the workforce in 2009, but The Daily Caller, in a Dec. 2 article, confirmed the current number of 95,055,000. We could not verify that 12.4 million more people are on welfare today than the day Obama took office.
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