Conservatives, Liberals and Democrats could care less about this

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Cape May - Conservatives, Liberals and Democrats could care less about this post because they don't believe it or think we're nuts, but I am going to post this so you can do your own research. China owns Sea world and bought large stakes into Disney, they own a huge portion of our cinema networks, and even just this morning on the liberal news it was told we are "tailoring or films" to appease the Chinese Government. This is all truth. You think Elon Musk owns Tesla? Guess again, how about GM, Chevy and GMC? Yup, China own's them.

Moderator's Note: 
I found that Sea World is 21% owned by a Chinese firm, Shang Hai Disneyland is 57% owned by the Chinese Government and that Tesla wholly owns It's plant in China . You will have to do the rest of the research yourself.
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