Once again the people in charge want to avoid any bad press abou

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Avalon - Once again the people in charge want to avoid any bad press about the town. There are break-ins, rapes, drug related deaths, etc. New Years Eve, the body of a young man was found on the beach and no news at all. The only way I found out was because my friend's son knew him. He attended the funeral, but said still no cause of death. Avalon is a great town, but come on, it's not immune to events that occur everywhere else.

Moderator's Note: 
On the contrary, the Herald reported about this tragic incident New Years Day, online, and Jan. 2, published a statement from the Prosecutor's Office regarding the investigation, also online. Further details concerning this death will be forthcoming pursuant to the investigation. See coverage here: http://goo.gl/veNkYZ
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