My neighbor asked me to help him donate the contents of his Aval
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Avalon - My neighbor asked me to help him donate the contents of his Avalon home since he is selling and it will be torn down. I arranged a date with Habitat for Humanity (Court House location) for them to pick up any and all items they could use from the property. Two young men arrived Sept. 30, packed up two sofas, one chair, and an outdoor table and bench set. They left two beds, a refrigerator (about 4 years old), ladders, tools, a wheelbarrow, hoses, chairs, a 2-year-old lawnmower with grass cuttings attachment, clock radios, light fixtures, ceiling fans and much more. No excuse. None.
Moderator's Note:
They obviously took what they could use. It sounds as though you needed better communication upfront.
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