In the book, Up from Conservatism, the authors advocate for the

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Avalon - In the book, Up from Conservatism, the authors advocate for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act, for politicians to conduct “deep investigations into what the gay lifestyle actually does to people”, that college and childcare be defunded and that rightwing governments “promote male-dominated industries” in order to discourage female participation in the workplace. Vance’s endorsement of the book may raise further questions about his extremism, and that of his networks. If these ideas appeal to you, then Trump & Vance are for you. It's your legacy to your daughters & granddaughters.

Moderator's Note: 
The majority of the above spout quotes an Aug. 22 Guardian article entitled, "Revealed: JD Vance promoted far-right views in speech about extremists’ book."
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