Between 1941 and 1944 The NY Times only put 7 or 8 articles abou

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Avalon - Between 1941 and 1944 The NY Times only put 7 or 8 articles about the Holocaust on their front page. Walter Duranty was The NY Times reporter who covered up what Stalin was doing. He even gave Duranty his own car. Today The NY Times is pushing the 1619 project in public schools, which tells our kids that our country is racist to the core so that they will hate us.
Since the editors of The Herald aspire to be the semi-literate little sister of the NYT they are covering up the fact that the people who run the Democrat Party are destroying the futures of our children

Moderator's Note: 
Dear Avalon, the Herald aspires to be the best local paper it can be; nothing more and nothing less. Thanks for continuing to read this "semi-literate" little sister of The New York Times. I hope you got your money's worth. You did pay a donation of a dollar, didn't you?
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