Can anyone name a New Jersey seashore city that is dirtier, ugli

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Sea Isle City / Magnolia - Can anyone name a New Jersey seashore city that is dirtier, uglier and has more drunks on the street than Sea Isle City? I grew up in Sea Isle. Several years ago, loving Sea Isle, I bought a second home here. Today, it is nothing more than a city of ugly houses, noise, and drunks. Townsend's Inlet area until recently was an ideal, quiet seashore area but given the wisdom of Sea Isle planners, that area is now lost. It is unfortunate that the majority of the city's taxpayers can't vote because if we could I would guarantee you there would be a better government voted in.

Moderator's Note: 
Certainly, you don't mean this. Do you mean there are growing instances of your stated complaint?
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