Acting ICE director issued a letter today ( finally) with the st

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Wildwood - Acting ICE director issued a letter today ( finally) with the statistics of how many wanted convicted illegal alien felons felons have been released into America i. Here are the numbers 13,099 murderers 15,811 for rape and 398,076 for other felonies 427,000 convicted criminals released into America. On top of that 1400 wanted for murder , 1600 wanted for rape and 22,000 wanted for felonies also released. Not detained and deported released into America by Biden, Myorkas and Harris. Trump was right again.

Moderator's Note: 
"More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide-either in the US or abroad -are living freely in the U.S.,outside of out side of Immigration and Cistoms Enforcement detention according to data provided to Congress earlier this week. " TAKEN FROM,by Julia Ainsley
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