Can tell the Herald Spout Off employee is a Republican because h

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Wildwood - Can tell the Herald Spout Off employee is a Republican because he or she rarely submits positive entries about Harris. Just because you believe in Trumps lies shouldn't be the reason Democrats shouldn't have a say about the truth.I don't turn a blind eye to what I see or a deaf ear to the fact that you are pushing Trump on the readers.When and if criminal Trump takes away your rights, I don't want to hear and read your complaints in the spout off. And for the people that are believing the stupid Trump commercials, wake up and turn on the truth channel MSNBC that fact check unlike fox news.

Moderator's Note: 
The moderator does not submit spouts,that is your job and we publish what is submitted within the parameters of the forum. Keep spouting...and please read the whole forum before making such accusations. There is an opinion to match almost any stripe of Democrat ,Republican ,Independent or Don't Care political party.
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